MillenniumUsers (Formerly CernerUsers)
Thank you all for registering to attend our Cerner Embedded Heparin Advisor Webinar today. I’ve attached the recording of today’s session that you may share with anyone who might be interested, as well as the slides that we reviewing during the webinar.

I would be delighted to hear from any of you with a request on any further information I might provide for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Webinar Recording: 
Do your Nurses and Pharmacists struggle with manual calculations outside of the workflow for their Heparin Protocols?
Join us to learn how Crossings Healthcare Solutions developed a Heparin Protocol embedded into the Cerner EMR to manage complex inpatient anticoagulation effectively in an evidenced based manner. During this webinar, we’ll share how Crossings Healthcare and Universal Health Services (UHS) leveraged Clinical Decision Support to present context aware protocol recommendations while minimizing human error from complex mathematical calculations.
The roll out to the multi-hospital organization led to a standardized, evidence based workflow that is simple to follow for our clinical staff. During this webinar you’ll learn how leveraging embedded clinical decision support tools within Cerner can benefit health care providers. The Demonstration will highlight how managing inpatient therapeutic intravenous anticoagulation can be delivered in a safe, effective and timely manner to promote patient safety and clinical effectiveness.


Susan Armbruster | Director of Business Development | Crossings Healthcare Solutions | C😕720) 252-5476 O😕610) 878-3989 | |

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Thank you!
The video is NOW displayed in you group video tab:
Sure Loring, that would be excellent, thank you!
Susan - If you would like we can display the video in your group and I can upload it for you. Just let me know. Thank you.
Excuse me, I should have addressed you as Dr. Zeitouni, I just viewed your profile. 😀
Hello Joseph, my apologies but Zoom automatically deletes the recording after 120 days and it can't be recovered (I just checked). Here is a link to the Heparin Advisor video from our website and I'd be happy to schedule a live demo with you at your convenience as well. My email is if it's easier to correspond via email. I look forward to hearing from you!


Susan Show less...
Hi Susan- the link to the recording does not work- can you please send me a working link? Thank you
