MillenniumUsers (Formerly CernerUsers)

Crossings Healthcare Solutions

Since January, 2018 Gold Partner

Crossings Healthcare Solutions


Crossings Healthcare Solutions solves common problems across Oracle Health Clients, Crossings is unique in that we are a vendor and a client. We provided innovative solutions with Advanced Clinical Decision Support Software that leverages the Oracle Health EMR. Our award-winning MPages & Adviso Read seamlessly integrate into clinical workflow to enhance usability, efficiency and communication. Crossings Healthcare Solutions was established to provide custom clinical decision support software that enhances the Cerner Millennium System.

Our MPage and Advisor solutions have been installed at 85 hospitals in fourteen states. Crossings Healthcare Solutions is a subsidiary of Universal Health Services, Inc., a Fortune 300 corporation headquartered in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.


367 South Gulph Road
King of PrussiaPA19406

More Details


Loring Kaveney
Lucien DeCecco


Abda Robert
Ali Mohamad
Allam Haytham
Alonzo Mario
Armbruster Susan
Augustyniak, MD Michael
Azzolina Philip
Balcik Debbie
Bate Cheri


General Questions


367 South Gulph Road
King of PrussiaPA19406
Wed, May, 1st 2024

[Webinar Video] If you missed the webinar focusing on Crossings is now offering a Behavioral Health Software Suite tailored for Cerner Behavioral Health clients.

This was developed at Universal Health Services (Crossings parent company), for our BH Treatment Facilities. It is the ONLY electronic solution for documentation of the Behavioral Health Treatment Plan in the Oracle EHR. It is an innovative solution for management of BH Treatment Plans, with an extensive  Read more...condition-specific content library and flexibility to adapt content as clinically needed. Since rollout at UHS, there have been over 33,800 Treatment Plans created and counting!

Along with the Treatment Plan, there are a number of Behavioral Health Workflow mPage Enhancements, including:

- High Risk Notifications
- Triggers and Coping
- Patient’s Own Medications
- Quality Measures
- Note Settings
- Assessment and Plan
- Enhanced Table of Contents

We also include dashboards and reports in HealtheAnalytics. These showcase BH EMR metrics that monitor adoption and identify areas in need of further user education.

Jacob Ragon, Clinical Informatics
Lucien DeCecco, Crossings Account Executive Show less...
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Tue, April, 18th 2023

Enjoying our time here at the NARUG in Ramblewood, NJ!

Stop by booth #2 and hear about our Advanced decision support, custom Mpages, and Advisor Solutions!
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Tue, April, 11th 2023

Are you attending the NARUG this year? If so, Crossings/UHS have some exciting things planned!

Our general manager, Justin Monnig, will be presenting on Tuesday, April 18th
Title: Get to know Crossings, a Client and Vendor of Cerner.

Our UHS team will be presenting the following:
Robert Abda: Supply Scanning DNP
Robert Abda: Telemetry Dashboard
Dr Marlon Ali: Cerner Mobile App

We will have a table located at Booth #2, stop by  Read more...and hear about our MPages and Advisor Solutions! Show less...
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Fri, January, 20th 2023

1/11/2023 Webinar Crossings Healthcare Solutions

Title: See How UHS Uses Their Heparin Advisor!

Description: Do your nurses and pharmacists struggle with manual calculations outside of the workflow for their Heparin Protocols? Heparin Advisor is an electronic tool embedded within Cerner to manage complex inpatient anticoagulation effectively in an evidence-based manner. It can help you:

Leverage Clinical Decision Support (CDS) to present context  Read more...aware protocol recommendations
Minimize human error from complex mathematical calculations
Promote quality and variation reduction in patient care across all your hospitals
Improve outcomes.

The Heparin Advisor has been proven to cause a 20% reduction in VTE/PE Protocol, 38% reduction in Neuro Protocol, and a 32% reduction in ACS Protocol upon implementation.


Giovanna Ferro, MS, Assistant Manager

Marreddy Yeruva, MD, Chief Medical Information Officer

Lucien DeCecco, Account Executive
Agenda: This webinar will start with a brief description of Crossings Healthcare Solutions, a subsidiary of Universal Health Services. The majority of the webinar will be a demo of the Heparin Advisor, designed by our UHS team to embed directly into the Cerner EMR. There will be time at the end to ask the presenters any questions you may have about the demo.

All questions can be directed to Lucien DeCecco: Show less...
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Wed, December, 2nd 2020

was the presentation cancelled?#parenteral-nutrition-advisor-an-interdisciplinary-electronic-solution
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Mon, November, 16th 2020

Does your organization have challenges with electronic ordering of Parenteral Nutrition (PN)? Join our webinar on 12/2 to learn how @UHS_Inc is using our innovative Advisor built for the @Cerner EMR:
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Thu, October, 8th 2020

Thank you all for registering to attend our Cerner Embedded Heparin Advisor Webinar today. I’ve attached the recording of today’s session that you may share with anyone who might be interested, as well as the slides that we reviewing during the webinar.

I would be delighted to hear from any of you with a request on any further information I might provide for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Webinar Recording: 
Do your Nurses and Pharmacists struggle with manual calculations outside of the workflow for their Heparin Protocols?
Join us to learn how Crossings Healthcare Solutions developed a Heparin Protocol embedded into the Cerner EMR to manage complex inpatient anticoagulation effectively in an evidenced based manner. During this webinar, we’ll share how Crossings Healthcare and Universal Health Services (UHS) leveraged Clinical Decision Support to present context aware protocol recommendations while minimizing human error from complex mathematical calculations.
The roll out to the multi-hospital organization led to a standardized, evidence based workflow that is simple to follow for our clinical staff. During this webinar you’ll learn how leveraging embedded clinical decision support tools within Cerner can benefit health care providers. The Demonstration will highlight how managing inpatient therapeutic intravenous anticoagulation can be delivered in a safe, effective and timely manner to promote patient safety and clinical effectiveness.


Susan Armbruster | Director of Business Development | Crossings Healthcare Solutions | C😕720) 252-5476 O😕610) 878-3989 | |

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WATCH VIDEO: Cerner Embedded Heparin Advisor Webinar | Crossings Healthcare Solutions -
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Mon, September, 14th 2020

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: East Alabama Medical Center goes live on the Enhanced Physician Documentation System of Crossings Healthcare Solutions, which provided virtual training and conversion support.

The company offers Cerner Millennium enhancements that include solutions for documentation, order renewal, catheter management, physician notification, quality advisors, direct submission of professional billing from the chart, blood transfusion advisor, insulin management advisor,  Read more...patient care dashboard, ED triage management, interdisciplinary rounding, a CCL smart template wizard, and tools to compare builds and perform change management. Demos are online. Show less...
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Mon, April, 20th 2020

Click the banner below and enter (Access Password: E8*8=88^)

Thank you for registering for the Provider CC Document Distribution Tool Webinar. I’ve attached a link to the recording and access password if you weren’t able to attend or would like to share this webinar with any of your colleagues.

 Read more... (Access Password: E8*8=88^)

If you’d be interested in implementing this tool at your organization, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for further discussion. I look forward to talking with all of you.

Susan Armbruster Show less...
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Mon, April, 13th 2020

Proud to join @UHS_Inc in the #MITCOVID19Challenge!
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Tue, April, 7th 2020

On this #WorldHealthDay, we salute our #HealthcareHeroes on the front lines of the #COVID19 global pandemic. We are grateful for you, we depend on you and we support you.
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Sat, April, 4th 2020

We are rooting for Team UHS and all #MITCOVID19Challenge contributors!!
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Mon, March, 30th 2020

Now, more than ever, we are grateful to recognize #NationalDoctorDay, we stand with our healthcare professionals fighting on the front lines of this global pandemic.
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RT @NKCHospital: In these unprecedented times, we want to take a minute to recognize the physicians who care for the people in our c…
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