MillenniumUsers (Formerly CernerUsers)
[Webinar Video] If you missed the webinar focusing on Crossings is now offering a Behavioral Health Software Suite tailored for Cerner Behavioral Health clients.

This was developed at Universal Health Services (Crossings parent company), for our BH Treatment Facilities. It is the ONLY electronic solution for documentation of the Behavioral Health Treatment Plan in the Oracle EHR. It is an innovative solution for management of BH Treatment Plans, with an extensive  Read more...condition-specific content library and flexibility to adapt content as clinically needed. Since rollout at UHS, there have been over 33,800 Treatment Plans created and counting!

Along with the Treatment Plan, there are a number of Behavioral Health Workflow mPage Enhancements, including:

- High Risk Notifications
- Triggers and Coping
- Patient’s Own Medications
- Quality Measures
- Note Settings
- Assessment and Plan
- Enhanced Table of Contents

We also include dashboards and reports in HealtheAnalytics. These showcase BH EMR metrics that monitor adoption and identify areas in need of further user education.

Jacob Ragon, Clinical Informatics
Lucien DeCecco, Crossings Account Executive Show less...
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