MillenniumUsers (Formerly CernerUsers)



With the upcoming changes to Medicaid ID numbers, I'm wondering how you plan to get all of your Medicaid ID numbers changed in your systems?

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Hi Michael. Great question and as you can appreciate this is yet another identifier we are being asked to use to track and manage our patient populations. Unfortunately it's not as simple as just using the new number within our Cerner tools, and instead a larger problem in that all of the down stream systems such as radiology, path, lab, pharmacy, etc... will also need to be able to consume the new Medicare ID as well as track the older ID for various clinical and analytical reasons. What we  Read more...are seeing is that this is just the next example of what seems to be a new identified that we now need to track, link, report on, and use to exchange across the community, but many of the systems simply can not manage this level of sophistication. In all transparency we are seeing more institutions across the country starting to implement a dedicated master patient index that provides ultimate flexibility for this ID as well as all of the other ID's we manage our patients by. Hope that is somewhat helpful.

Dave Bennett Show less...
Thank you, Loring!
Hello Michael, I will be sending this question out to the community to see if someone can answer your question. Thank you for asking. Loring
